Trafquip Pty Ltd have taken the appropriate measures during this COVID-19 pandemic with our primary focus during these unprecedented times being the Health and Safety of our employees, clients and members of the public as the situation develops globally and domestically.
As we continue to monitor the situation closely, we are taking actions and precautions throughout our entire business. These are based on recommendations from the Australian Government which include employee information and support in addition to altering internal systems to limit and reduce the risk of virus transmission in line with recommended social distancing measures. These include and are not limited to;
- Vehicles and equipment are individually cleaned and disinfected between each hire by our staff who will wear gloves during this process or where possible by an outside contractor.
- Whilst we have always had strict hygiene practices and cleanliness standards in place, we are increasing the cleaning and sanitisation of our office, particularly for high-contact areas and counters, and are providing additional hand sanitisers for customer’s and team members to use.
- We have restricted access to our office with clients being greeted outside at a safe distance in order to obtain keys. Our staff will keep to the recommended safety distance and ensure you are comfortable operating the equipment.
- Orders can be made online or over the phone, with Hire Agreements being emailed for signatures to limit contact with staff and contact materials.
- For cash customers payment can be made by tap and go or via credit card over the phone.
- A Working from Home plan has been implemented for all staff possible, encouraging social distancing to help reduce the risk and spread. For staff who need to continue to work at our depot, contact has been minimised, gathering in offices prohibited etc.
We will continue to communicate with our workers and clients on a regular basis as changes come into place as per the Australian Government regulations.
Our Depots are still contactable 24/7 and we are available to speak to you directly if you have any questions or concern as well as participating in teleconference methods of your choice.
Traffic Management and the related hire of essential vehicles and plant is an integral service to the community and as such we are committed to navigating our way through the COVID-19 pandemic effectively.
Yours Sincerely,